Advanced Responsive Image Stack

Automatically resizes your image to make it fit in your responsive design.
Optionally set up breakpoints for different browser dimensions in order to display different images for different devices.
For example you can set up a high resolution image for desktop browsers and a cropped version which focusses on some detail in the smaller image for smaller devices like tablets or mobile phones.
This way your visitors don't need to load very big high resolution images while they are surfing on a low mobile data connection.



You will see different cropped version of the owl on different devices like iPhone, iPad and desktop browsers. You can even use your desktop browser and resize the application to see how it changes the images source. In this example the breakpoints will be at 500px, 768px and 1200px width.


    Min. Resolution Image: This image will be shown if no other image breakpoint is activated.
    Alternative Image 1-3: Each of the alternative images can be activated separately. Additionally you can set up a minimum width for the image to be used on a device. If you use a minimum width of 500px, that image will only be shown on devices with more than 500px of possible width. If you use another image breakpoint at 1000px the first image will be used on devices between 500px and 1000px width. The other one on devices with more than 1000px width.
    You can choose the minimum width preselected for iPhone, iPad or custom values up to 5000px

Infos and Requirements

Rapidweaver 5/6/7
Stacks 2 only
Stacks 2 / 3
Compatible to
responsive themes
Internet connection
for preview

Browser Compatibility

  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • Opera
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
